Well....here I go.
This week marks the beginning of Moo Juice: The Musical, officially.
I'll be in the studio starting this week and will be there off and on (as a working-mommy-schedule allows) until the scoring of it is complete. Blah, blah--getting it to sheet music, basically.
It requires electric guitar, keyboard, bass and drums, and some REALLY good singers. I'm lucky that I have really-good-singer friends in this KC theatre community, as well as a great drummer and bassist.
A brief synopsis:
Moo Juice: The Musical is a 19-song rock n' roll show about 5 kids in daycare and their daycare provider. (The adults play the 5-year-old characters.) The majority of songs are Funky Mama tunes with several that haven't yet been recorded. Each character in Moo Juice plays a role in maintaining order in what can be a very chaotic daily environment. The children must behave or their favored field trip to Happy Chippy Cheeseland will be cancelled. Much singing and physical comedy ensue...
I'm a spiritual person. That being said, I asked God about this endeavor because it's, number one, VERY expensive. Very risky and very outside of my comfort zone. Today, at church, I was given an epiphany, if you will, that shouted,
So, with NO FEAR. Moo Juice: The Musical will be here.