Saturday, August 30, 2008


Funky Mama is Fun
Music for children is often much better than music for adults, consideringthe singer isn't pining for someone they can't have, and the music¹s justlighter. Krista Funky Mama Eyler takes that fun to the next level with Moo Juice. It's obvious to listeners that Eyler has a varied background with soundssuch as gospel, blues, and even samba coming through in the tracks. Eyler has earned an Emmy nomination as an on-air reporter for Kansas City,MO ABC affiliate KMBC-TV News for her coverage of events such as fires,homicides, and tornados. After five years of reporting, she left reporting to become Funky Mama. In 2007, Eyler performed at the White House Easter Egg Roll in Washington,D.C. to earn national recognition. Moo Juice is Eyler's third studio CD, and it includes 17 original songs.Her previous releases include Funky Mama Sings: Giggle Jiggle and Grandma's House and a children's book, Funky Mama's Grandma's House. I was surprised to hear such powerful and amazing vocals on a children¹s CD. Eyler has the capability to belt out a power ballad with the queens of rockand blues. Each song has its own, personal sound from 1960s beach pop (The Grandparent Name Song) to pure rock (Moo Juice). Every track is geared towardschildren of all ages and, for the older ones, is meant for them to singalong about sippy cups, grandparents, dad, and the dreaded sleep. Moo Juice is not only fun for children, but for those young at heart. The CDis perfect for long or short car trips or for just sitting around the housewith nothing to do. Moo Juice is available online at<> ,, and iTunes.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008


Funky Mama was voted as a finalist for the 2008 KC Parent Magazine's Family Favorites Survey! I didn't even know this was going on so...great! Congrats to Mr. Stinkyfeet for winning the Grand Prize status!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Audience Etiquette

I've been wanting to blog about this for a long time, but this weekend's gig really made me NEED to blog about it:

AUDIENCE ETIQUETTE: From the performer's perspective
As a performer/singer for kids and their folks, I am constantly surprised at things that happen at gigs and I'm sure I'm not the only one who notices.
1. The performer is not a babysitter. Watch your kids for the safety of all. (I don't diaper or clean snot off any kids but my own or those of my best buds.)
2. Please don't invite children to pop/stomp/obliterate balloons as one is performing (and then proceed to let children take the leavings and snap each other, the performer, the guitar, etc.)
3. Performers don't need 3-year-old sound board operators. Please don't let your kids touch electrical equipment...that's sitting in standing water no less...and plugged in. (It happened, oh yes.)
4. Don't let your kids spit on the performer. At least not during flu season.
5. See #1
6. See #1
7. See #1

I love performing for kids and I love kids. Parents sometimes forget performers need their assistance in keeping control of hundreds of toddlers. I want everyone to have a great rock n' roll experience and BE SAFE!! I'm happy to hear anyone's thoughts on the matter...

Monday, August 11, 2008

gooney bird kids: Featured Artist - Funky Mama

Thank you, Gwyneth! (Psssst...come to Jiggle Jam next year!)
: Featured Artist - Funky Mama

New Gig Pics from last night

Wow! What a turnout for last night's FREE Overland Park gig with Funky Mama and Mr. Stinkyfeet Jim Cosgrove!
Holy crowd control on a Sunday night, Batman.
There were over 800 folks there (the city folks said 1,000, but Iiiiii dunno 'bout that...)

It's very cool to play a gig about 4 blocks from where you grew up, with your parents AND 4th-grade teacher, Mrs. Klemm, in the audience.
So much fun and many thanks to the City of OP, kids, parents and the Stinkyfeet and Hiccups crew.
(Jeni, we definitely need more Jiggle Jam biz-talk time than 20 minutes after the gig, swatting mosquitoes, cleaning up our gear and chasing our children in the dark!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

DINNER DRAMA...yes, a new song is coming soon out of this...

Ok, dinner tonight.
Just watch...
This went on forEVER at the Funky Mama household until we all left him sitting at the table alone.
In 5 minutes by himself, the yummy taco and fresh cucumbers (thanks to Funky Grandma's garden) were gone and happiness reigned again.
Ahhh. Feisty 4-year-olds....
Can I get a witness out there? I KNOW you know this dinner drama.