Sunday, June 29, 2008

Wonderscope Block Party and Record Bar gigs!

My weekend gigging isn't quite done, but I thought I'd post some pics of a couple gigs I did with friends Billy and Mr. Stinkyfeet Jim Cosgrove around town at Wonderscope's Block Party and the Record Bar.

I'm headed to the Plaza to the KC Duck Derby today--a great fundraiser for Children's TLC! Check the website for upcoming shows. I get a bit of break this next week (whew!) and then we head for a family beach vacation. WOO HOO!
We return just in time for my local, sold-out CD release party for MOO JUICE. Can't wait to see you all there!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

When stressed out moms and screaming 4-year-olds collide....


Notice the side of my son's head. Yes, that does look like what happens when you take your pet to the vet for surgery. Just thought I'd share my afternoon story of woe and laughter.
He hates haircuts...PERIOD. But, I try and save a few bucks and use the clippers myself. Usually, things work out fine despite all the squirming and screaming. was a bit different. He got his obligatory sucker (which usually keeps him in one place) and proceeded to scream like I've never heard. I was changing clipper guards and handed one to the baby in the high chair to fiddle with. Well, in my haste, I never put a guard back on, so, hence, the above photo.
As soon as I realized I was shaving him BALD, I stopped and muttered my standard phrase of ...
(which is a substitute for any swear words I'm not allowed to utter anymore as a mommy).
J. starts screaming, "WHAT WHAT MOMMY?!! WHAT DID YOU DO??!"
He was a gooey mess of hair, spit, tears and chocolate Tootsie Roll Pop.
And, oh no, it doesn't end there...
By this time, I put the baby on the floor outside of the hair-ridden kitchen and blocked the entry, so I could deal with screaming (and now-hairless) Child #1.
Baby is obviously going to be an escape artist because before I knew it, he was in the mess of hair and Tootsie Roll Pop, too.
The screaming continued.
Both went into the bathroom with me.
As one was getting showered off, the other found the toilet...with the toilet seat up. Splash, splash.
Also, a box of Q-Tips now decorated every inch of the floor.
And...I almost knocked myself out on the corner of our bathroom cabinet trying to stop Baby Fast Hands from his mayhem.
My head still smarts, but all are calm now and I SWEAR if my husband says one word when he gets home.....
There has to be a song coming out of this. At least, there had better be!
Suggestions for a title?

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hear It, Love It, Share It Review

Hear it, Love It, Share It author/and busy mom Stephanie is working up a review of "Moo Juice," and I'll post it soon. She said so far, "This is a FUN CD!"
I've started work with my publicist, Elizabeth Waldman Frazier of Waldmania!, to help get Moo Juice some national attention and HOPEFULLY press! She has some really great clients in the world of kids' music and is a mom/grandma herself, so she "gets it."
(Her daughter is the publicist for Laurie Berkner. I guess good writing runs in the family.)
The official release is Sept. 2, 2008, but I'm holding a local pre-release party on July 12. Should be so fun with all the 300 folks running around my church! :)
CDBaby will be selling Moo Juice starting in late August and you can get it on my website or at my gigs.
Rod Cockle is working up final drawings for the "Down, Down Baby" video and I'll post that here, YouTube, MySpace, Facebook and on my website when it's through.
6am...babies are up, off to breakfast...

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Moo Juice Review By Bill Childs of Spare the Rock

Well, Moo Juice got some attention by Bill Childs of Spare the Rock, Spoil the Child.
(He's a law professor who writes about kid's music for Parenting Magazine, Little Rock Family and other outlets.)

Here's a link to the Little Rock Family article which includes notes about Laurie Berkner and Cathy Heller's new CD ventures, but here's the Funky Mama paragraph below:

Funky Mama - Moo Juice: Krista "Funky Mama" Eyler has been playing kids' music, largely in the Kansas City area, since 2005, after leaving her career in television reporting. Her prior releases had left me underwhelmed - her voice was undoubtedly great (more on that below) but the CDs ended up seeming a little distant. On Moo Juice, though, the rest of the CD has caught up with Eyler's rich, soulful, bluesy voice. Most of the CD stays in territory that matches her vocal style - bluesy rock and the like - and the shifts from that zone (to zydeco with "Potty Train" and a capella on "Down Down Baby") work well. Lyrically, she's in familiar territory in the kids' music world - potty training ("Potty Train" again), the greatness of grandparents and parents ("The Grandparent Song" and "My Dad Rocks," respectively, with "Multi-Taskin' Mama" finishing out the trifecta from the titular mother's perspective). The CD is perhaps a few tracks longer than it has to be, but that's nitpicking: this is good fun music that doesn't sound like much else out there.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Funky Mama and Mr. Stinkyfeet in Concert!

From time to time, Jim (Mr. Stinkyfeet) Cosgrove and I do kid/family shows together as the "Funky Feet Duo" and we finally have one PUBLIC event coming up!
Click on the above pic to find out all the info and print some to hang up at your church or school. We both are playing with full bands at the RECORD BAR in Kansas City, MO. It's just north of the Country Club Plaza on Southwest Trafficway and Westport Rd.--1020 Westport Rd. (It's in the northwest corner of the shopping strip there.) Check the Funky Mama website for more schedule info! Should be a lot of fun for all. Jim plays first at 4pm and I go on at 4:30pm. $5 for adults, $2 for kids. IT IS A SMOKE FREE SHOW!