Monday, January 21, 2008

Thoughts on places I play....

As Funky Mama, I get to visit many, many preschools, daycares, and schools. I think this is a great place to talk about them.
I get to have an interesting vantage point as a singer in front of a lot of educators and kids. I can immediately get a "vibe."
Here are some memorable places where I've seen a lot of love going from the careproviders to the kiddos. Remember, these are just my humble observations on a few places. I know there are wonderful childcare facilities all over the metro area:

1. Congregation Beth Shalom 14200 Lamar, OP, KS
I love this place. Let my bias be known. I teach music there and adore the teachers. They love kids--bottomline. Besides, the education they give as a preschool is second to none.
The director, Judy Jacks Berman, greets each kid by name and gives them a kiss on the head. The teachers take children into their laps and freely cuddle and seem to love it! It's funny how many places I visit where I see teachers look so tired and can't seem to muster energy for the kids.

2.Village Preschool (Village Presbyterian Church) Prairie Village, KS
Bias again. Patty Zender, the director, has to be one of the most kind-hearted, dynamic, and warm educators I know. Don't get me started! The teachers, too! Wow. Warm, loving and firm with the kids. And understanding. A well-respected preschool of which I love being a part.

3. Brookridge Day School 9555 Hadley, OP, KS
The director, Mary Beth Daley, who I think is awesome, was one of the first educators to give Funky Mama a shot and I will always appreciate that. (She also rides a girly scooter to and from work!) The place is fun and the folks are enthusiastic and caring.

I know everyone has their favorites. These are just a few of mine. We should talk librarians, too. They rock! What unsung heros for kiddos especially in the summertime.

(Thanks, Tina for the pic.)

1 comment:

Tina Morrison said...

Great blog! I love it! And what a darling little girl in that photo. :)
-Tina Morrison