Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Kids rockin' to Grandma's House and other announcements!

I love it when folks alert me to videos like this. THIS is why I am Funky Mama....

So cute!
If your kids are rockin' out at my concerts, please, please, POST IT!

The KC JIGGLE JAM kicks off this weekend! Saturday I play at 12:45 in the Jam Tent and Sunday, I play at 11am on the Jam Stage.
Come out and jam with me and so many other musical friends. Lots to do, remember the sunscreen and a change of clothes for the kiddos. NO outside snacks or drinks are allowed, so come with some moolah for munchies. Bring the camera and snap lots of shots so I can post them here.

One more thing...
My friend Jim "Mr. Stinkyfeet" Cosgrove is allowing downloads of his new album "Upside Down" for 2 weeks on his website. You can get it for free or pay what you like! Only for 2 weeks, though.
I sing on two tracks and, overall, I think it's his best work to date. Lots of fun!

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Those kids are hilarious!

Our best Funky Mama impersonations usually involve me singing along, so I am pretty sure that none of those videos will be making an appearance any time soon!

We are going to miss Jiggle Jam - I am SO BUMMED. Bennett's birthday is on Saturday, blah blah - it is going to be SO GREAT and I can't believe we are going to miss it! ARGH!